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Quality system

The organisation management adopts this policy in the field of the Quality Management System:

  • For the needs of the company development and in the interest of permanent improvement of services, competitiveness and for the possibility of closer relations with the Clients (customers) it is necessary to maintain and deepen the Quality System corresponding to the generally applicable trends of building activities. All employees know their tasks, know their places in the organisational structure of the company and their functions in the Quality System assurance.
  • The core philosophy of all activities of our company is as follows:
    • Satisfied customers thanks to the high quality of the work performed and services provided,
    • Achievement of a maximum quality of the constructions implemented at the time of handover to customers,
    • Assurance of max. usability of the Works at the time of operation,
    • Provision of the widest possible range of services in the field of the building industry, including designing and engineering activities and professional advisory services,
    • Implementation of the actual Works and follow-up services while achieving optimum economic results.
  • The organisation management undertakes to create corresponding personnel, financial and material resources for the fulfilment of this Quality Policy and to determine the specific quality targets and undertakings concerning the quality issues.

The organisation management adopts this policy in the field of the Environmental Management System and in the field of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System:

  • The organisation undertakes to comply with the requirements of applicable laws and regulations for the protection of the environment, OHSAS and other requirements to which the organisation is subject. The organisation will respect the binding limits of emissions into the environment and to endeavour to minimise them.
  • The organisation undertakes to minimise environmental loads at the workplaces and on the construction sites and to ensure its operation in such a way that the OHSAS risks can be significantly reduced.
  • The organisation undertakes to gradually reduce the consumption of energy and raw materials, to ensure environment-friendly handling, storage, processing of raw materials and environment-friendly disposal of packages. On a preferential basis it will use new, environment-friendly disposal of packaging materials, products and services.
  • The organisation undertakes to educate and motivate all employees, to inform them about the influence of their activities on the environment and risks of OHSAS.
  • The organisation management is committed to continual improvement within the framework of the EMS and OHSAS systems in accordance with the state-of-the-art technologies in order to prevent the environment and human health from being irrecoverably damaged.

In Velke Mezirici, on 1st January 2006
Miroslav Stola
Orgranisation Director

Certifikáty a ocenění

Kateřina Mičková slaví juniorský mistrovský titul!

Kateřina Mičková slaví juniorský mistrovský titul!

Nadějná triatlonistka Kateřina Mičková, kterou intenzivně podporujeme, je juniorská mistryně ČR v triatlonu v juniorské kategorii (18 - 19 let)! Výkony mladé…

GREMIS, s.r.o.
Jihlavská 230,
594 01 Velké Meziříčí
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+420 566 523 751
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GREMIS, s.r.o.
Jihlavská 230,
594 01 Velké Meziříčí